Three primary color (cyan/magenta/yellow) switchable electrochromic devices based on PEDOT:PSS and ‘electrobase/electroacid’ theory†
A multicolor electrochromic device (ECD), which can switch among three primary colors cyan (C), magenta (M) and yellow (Y), was fabricated successfully. This device contained a working layer using PEDOT:PSS as the cyan-EC material, an ion-conductive layer and a counter layer using p-benzoquinone (p-BQ)/4-hydroxy-TEMPO (4-OH-TEMPO) and phenol red (PR-Y) based on the ‘electrobase/electroacid’ theory as a magenta/yellow-EC material. All the materials could be easily acquired as they were obtained commercially. The device could switch among C/M/Y colors by applying various voltages. Besides, this device exhibited a short response time below 100 ms and excellent reversibility with no degradation after 2250 cycles. Thus, it exhibits great potential for use in smart displays and interior decorations.