Issue 36, 2019

Differences in solubilities, crystal structures, NMR spectra and fluorescence emissions induced by potassium cation/benzo-21-crown-7 molecular recognition


Molecular recognition motifs with cation-responsiveness are essential building blocks for functional assemblies and widely used to prepare advanced functional materials. In benzo-21-crown-7-involved host–guest chemistry, potassium cations are used to realize cation responsiveness by forming K+-crown ether complexes. The fundamental properties of potassium cation/benzo-21-crown-7 molecular recognition motifs always play a key role in realizing controllable and programable self-assembly. In this work investigations of the fundamental properties such as solubility, NMR spectra and geometry of potassium cation/benzo-21-crown-7 host–guest pairs are carried out.

Graphical abstract: Differences in solubilities, crystal structures, NMR spectra and fluorescence emissions induced by potassium cation/benzo-21-crown-7 molecular recognition

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Article information

Article type
20 Jun 2019
07 Aug 2019
First published
08 Aug 2019

New J. Chem., 2019,43, 14299-14304

Differences in solubilities, crystal structures, NMR spectra and fluorescence emissions induced by potassium cation/benzo-21-crown-7 molecular recognition

Y. Ouyang, Y. Zhang, Z. Luo, X. Li, A. Duan and S. Dong, New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 14299 DOI: 10.1039/C9NJ03208H

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