Issue 2, 2019

Disintegrating polymer multilayers to jump-start colloidal micromotors


Colloidal systems with autonomous mobility are attractive alternatives to static particles for diverse applications. We present a complementary approach using pH-triggered disintegrating polymer multilayers for self-propulsion of swimmers. It is illustrated both experimentally and theoretically that homogenously coated swimmers exhibit higher velocity in comparison to their Janus-shaped counterparts. These swimmers show directional and random motion in microfluidic channels with a steep and shallow pH gradient, respectively. Further, a higher number of deposited polymer multilayers, steeper pH gradients and lower mass of the swimmers result in higher self-propulsion velocities. This new self-propulsion mechanism opens up unique opportunities to design, for instance, fast and yet biocompatible swimmers using the diverse tools of polymer chemistry to custom-synthesise the polymeric building blocks to assemble multilayers.

Graphical abstract: Disintegrating polymer multilayers to jump-start colloidal micromotors

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Article information

Article type
05 Oct 2018
11 Dec 2018
First published
12 Dec 2018

Nanoscale, 2019,11, 733-741

Disintegrating polymer multilayers to jump-start colloidal micromotors

M. Fernández-Medina, X. Qian, O. Hovorka and B. Städler, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 733 DOI: 10.1039/C8NR08071B

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