Atomic-scale investigation on the ultra-large bending behaviours of layered sodium titanate nanowires†
A study on the mechanical properties of one-dimensional layered titanate nanomaterials is crucial since they demonstrate important applications in various fields. Here, we conducted ex situ and in situ atomic-scale investigation on the bending properties of a kind of ceramic-layered titanate (Na2Ti2O4(OH)2) nanowire using transmission electron microscopy. The nanowires showed flexibility along the 〈100〉 direction and could obtain a maximum bending strain of nearly 37%. By analysing the defect behaviours, the unique bending properties of this ceramic material were found to correlate with a novel arrangement of dislocations, an active dislocation nucleation and movement along the axial direction resulting from the weak electrostatic interaction between the TiO6 layers and the low b/a ratio. These results provide a pioneering and key understanding on the bending behaviours of layered titanate nanowire families and potentially other one-dimensional nanomaterials with layered crystalline structures.