Issue 28, 2019

Photonic crystallization of two-dimensional MoS2 for stretchable photodetectors


Low temperature synthesis of high quality two-dimensional (2D) materials directly on flexible substrates remains a fundamental limitation towards scalable realization of robust flexible electronics possessing the unique physical properties of atomically thin structures. Herein, we describe room temperature sputtering of uniform, stoichiometric amorphous MoS2 and subsequent large area (>6.25 cm2) photonic crystallization of 5 nm 2H-MoS2 films in air to enable direct, scalable fabrication of ultrathin 2D photodetectors on stretchable polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrates. The lateral photodetector devices demonstrate an average responsivity of 2.52 μW A−1 and a minimum response time of 120 ms under 515.6 nm illumination. Additionally, the surface wrinkled, or buckled, PDMS substrate with conformal MoS2 retained the photoconductive behavior at tensile strains as high as 5.72% and over 1000 stretching cycles. The results indicate that the photonic crystallization method provides a significant advancement in incorporating high quality semiconducting 2D materials applied directly on polymer substrates for wearable and flexible electronic systems.

Graphical abstract: Photonic crystallization of two-dimensional MoS2 for stretchable photodetectors

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Article information

Article type
12 Mar 2019
07 Jun 2019
First published
14 Jun 2019

Nanoscale, 2019,11, 13260-13268

Author version available

Photonic crystallization of two-dimensional MoS2 for stretchable photodetectors

R. H. Kim, J. Leem, C. Muratore, S. Nam, R. Rao, A. Jawaid, M. Durstock, M. McConney, L. Drummy, R. Rai, A. Voevodin and N. Glavin, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 13260 DOI: 10.1039/C9NR02173F

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