Issue 25, 2019

Porphyrin-based metal–organic frameworks: protonation induced Q band absorption


In this work, porphyrin-based MOF nanosheets were formulated. The as-developed Gd-TCPP MOF nanosheets could be protonated significantly in an acidic solution, which greatly enhanced the UV-vis absorption at 665 nm. Also, a significant structural reorganization occurred to achieve a nanowire structure. As the center of the porphyrin had a metal coordination atom, the Q band absorption had better stability due to their inability to be protonated. These results confirm that the UV-vis absorption of the MOFs can be regulated via porphyrin protonation, and the protonation of the nanosheets in the acidic solution can be avoided by adding a metal coordination atom to the porphyrin center. We also found that zinc ions had better coordination ability with the pyrrole nitrogen of the inner porphyrin core of Gd-TCPP MOF nanosheets. Finally, the protonation of MOFs was confirmed by the yield of singlet oxygen. Also, metallic oxide nanoparticles can be formed in situ and adsorbed on the Gd-TCPP MOF nanosheets. These results are useful for the preparation of metallic oxide nanoparticle-loaded nanomaterials. This work may open novel avenues for changing the UV-vis absorption of porphyrin-based nanomaterials.

Graphical abstract: Porphyrin-based metal–organic frameworks: protonation induced Q band absorption

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Article information

Article type
21 Mar 2019
01 Jun 2019
First published
03 Jun 2019

Nanoscale, 2019,11, 12250-12258

Porphyrin-based metal–organic frameworks: protonation induced Q band absorption

Y. Zhao, X. Cai, Y. Zhang, C. Chen, J. Wang and R. Pei, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 12250 DOI: 10.1039/C9NR02463H

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