Issue 46, 2019

A modular approach for cytosolic protein delivery: metal ion-induced self-assembly of gold nanoclusters as a general platform


We developed a versatile and modular method for cytosolic protein delivery through metal ion-induced co-assembly of gold nanoclusters and proteins into supramolecular assemblies. The versatility and high efficiency of this strategy to assemble and deliver various proteins into living cells were demonstrated. Importantly, the activity of proteins was maintained during the delivery. This modular approach provides an exciting and promising new nano-platform for cytosolic protein delivery.

Graphical abstract: A modular approach for cytosolic protein delivery: metal ion-induced self-assembly of gold nanoclusters as a general platform

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
26 Aug 2019
28 Oct 2019
First published
19 Nov 2019

Nanoscale, 2019,11, 22237-22242

A modular approach for cytosolic protein delivery: metal ion-induced self-assembly of gold nanoclusters as a general platform

L. Wang, C. Zhang, T. Li, M. Duan, F. Xia, X. Li, C. Song, S. Pan, B. Liu and D. Cui, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 22237 DOI: 10.1039/C9NR07334E

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