Issue 10, 2019

Stereocontrol in the synthesis of cyclic amino acids: a new ligand for directed hydrogenation through hydrogen bonding


A system for the directed hydrogenation of nitrogen heterocycles is described in which hydrogen is delivered cis to a hydroxymethyl group by a rhodium catalyst with a simple phosphine ligand. The chemistry is applied to the synthesis of the hygric acid moiety of lincomycin and the pipecolic acid moiety of Argatroban. A series of control experiments indicate that the stereoselectivity is a result of a combination of both coordination and hydrogen bonding.

Graphical abstract: Stereocontrol in the synthesis of cyclic amino acids: a new ligand for directed hydrogenation through hydrogen bonding

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Article information

Article type
02 Jan 2019
14 Feb 2019
First published
14 Feb 2019

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019,17, 2753-2758

Stereocontrol in the synthesis of cyclic amino acids: a new ligand for directed hydrogenation through hydrogen bonding

V. R. Gandi, B. N. D. Doan, S. Kasinathan and R. W. Bates, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019, 17, 2753 DOI: 10.1039/C9OB00003H

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