Issue 8, 2019

Photo-sensitized oxy-thiocyanation of terminal alkynes/1,3-aryldienes and their one-pot conversion to 2-hydroxy 4-substituted aryl thiazoles


A regioselective visible light induced synthesis of aryl α-thiocyano ketones/thiocyano alcohols from activated terminal aryl alkynes and aryl 1,3-conjugated dienes was achieved. This mild and non-metallic oxidation is exclusively driven by benign ambient air in the presence of an organic photo-catalyst and NH4SCN. This protocol was also demonstrated at the 5 mmol scale for the synthesis of potentially therapeutic 2-hydroxy 4-substituted arylthiazoles in good yields, signifying its amenability for large-scale application.

Graphical abstract: Photo-sensitized oxy-thiocyanation of terminal alkynes/1,3-aryldienes and their one-pot conversion to 2-hydroxy 4-substituted aryl thiazoles

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Article information

Article type
09 Jan 2019
25 Jan 2019
First published
26 Jan 2019

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019,17, 2232-2241

Photo-sensitized oxy-thiocyanation of terminal alkynes/1,3-aryldienes and their one-pot conversion to 2-hydroxy 4-substituted aryl thiazoles

K. Gullapalli and S. Vijaykumar, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019, 17, 2232 DOI: 10.1039/C9OB00054B

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