Issue 18, 2019

Direct C–S bond formation via C–O bond activation of phenols in a crossover Pd/Cu dual-metal catalysis system


A dual-metal catalysis system including a newly prepared nanoparticle [SiO2@organic-linker(OL)@Pd(II)] and CuI was introduced with ultra-high catalytic activity (high turnover number (TON), up to 19 000) to a one-pot and odorless synthesis of unsymmetrical aryl sulfides by crossover C–S bond formation. The reaction proceeds via C–O bond activation of phenols and direct C–S bond formation in the presence of S8 as an oddorless sulfur source and aryl boronic acids under mild conditions (room temperature). The catalyst could be recycled up to five times without an obvious change in its activity.

Graphical abstract: Direct C–S bond formation via C–O bond activation of phenols in a crossover Pd/Cu dual-metal catalysis system

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Article type
08 Feb 2019
10 Apr 2019
First published
10 Apr 2019

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019,17, 4491-4497

Direct C–S bond formation via C–O bond activation of phenols in a crossover Pd/Cu dual-metal catalysis system

V. Khakyzadeh, A. Rostami, H. Veisi, B. Shirmardi Shaghasemi, E. Reimhult, R. Luque, Y. Xia and S. Darvishi, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019, 17, 4491 DOI: 10.1039/C9OB00313D

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