Issue 2, 2019, Issue in Progress

A DFT study on nanocones, nanotubes (4,0), nanosheets and fullerene C60 as anodes in Mg-ion batteries


In this article, we studied the interactions between Mg atom and Mg2+ ion and four nanostructures, including a nanocone, nanotube (4,0), nanosheet, and C60 nanocage, to obtain the cell voltages (V) for Mg-ion batteries (MIBs). Total energy, geometry optimization, frontier molecular orbital (FMO) and density of states (DOS) analyses have been performed using the ωB97XD level of theory and the 6-31G(d) basis set. The DFT calculations clarified that the changes in energy adsorption between Mg2+ ion and the nanostructures, Ead, are in the order tube > cone > sheet > cage. However, Vcell for the nanocone is the highest. The changes in Vcell of the MIBs are in the order cone > tube > sheet > cage. This study theoretically considers the possibilities of Mg as an anode in batteries due to its high Vcell values.

Graphical abstract: A DFT study on nanocones, nanotubes (4,0), nanosheets and fullerene C60 as anodes in Mg-ion batteries

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Article information

Article type
16 Jul 2018
14 Dec 2018
First published
08 Jan 2019
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2019,9, 853-862

A DFT study on nanocones, nanotubes (4,0), nanosheets and fullerene C60 as anodes in Mg-ion batteries

E. Vessally, I. Alkorta, S. Ahmadi, R. Mohammadi and A. Hosseinian, RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 853 DOI: 10.1039/C8RA06031B

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