Issue 17, 2019, Issue in Progress

Field-plate engineering for high breakdown voltage β-Ga2O3 nanolayer field-effect transistors


The narrow voltage swing of a nanoelectronic device limits its implementations in electronic circuits. Nanolayer β-Ga2O3 has a superior breakdown field of approximately 8 MV cm−1, making it an ideal candidate for a next-generation power device nanomaterial. In this study, a field modulating plate was introduced into a β-Ga2O3 nano-field-effect transistor (nanoFET) to engineer the distribution of electric fields, wherein the off-state three-terminal breakdown voltage was reported to be 314 V. β-Ga2O3 flakes were separated from a single-crystal bulk substrate using a mechanical exfoliation method. The layout of the field modulating plate was optimized through a device simulation to effectively distribute the peak electric fields. The field-plated β-Ga2O3 nanoFETs exhibited n-type behaviors with a high output current saturation, exhibiting excellent switching characteristics with a threshold voltage of −3.8 V, a subthreshold swing of 101.3 mV dec−1, and an on/off ratio greater than 107. The β-Ga2O3 nanoFETs with a high breakdown voltage of over 300 V could pave a way for downsizing power electronic devices, enabling the economization of power systems.

Graphical abstract: Field-plate engineering for high breakdown voltage β-Ga2O3 nanolayer field-effect transistors

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Article information

Article type
15 Feb 2019
16 Mar 2019
First published
27 Mar 2019
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2019,9, 9678-9683

Field-plate engineering for high breakdown voltage β-Ga2O3 nanolayer field-effect transistors

J. Bae, H. W. Kim, I. H. Kang and J. Kim, RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 9678 DOI: 10.1039/C9RA01163C

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