Issue 55, 2019

Optimization of the thermoelectric performance of layer-by-layer structured copper-phthalocyanine (CuPc) thin films doped with hexacyano-trimethylene-cyclopropane (CN6-CP)


Copper-phthalocyanine (CuPc), as a classical small molecular organic semiconductor, has been applied in many fields. However, the low intrinsic conductivity limits its application in thermoelectricity. Here, hexacyano-trimethylene-cyclopropane (CN6-CP), a strong electron acceptor, is synthesized as dopant for CuPc thin films to improve their conductivities. Multilayer thin films constructed from alternate thermally evaporated CuPc and CN6-CP thin layers are investigated. Under the optimized condition, the doped CuPc film with a conductivity of 0.76 S cm−1 and a Seebeck coefficient of 130 μV K−1, shows a high power factor of 1.3 μW m−1 K−2 and the carrier concentration is estimated to be 2.8 × 1020 cm−3. Considering the relatively superior performance, the CN6-CP doped CuPc film is a promising small molecular organic thermoelectric (OTE) material. In addition, for those highly crystalline materials with poor solubility, the layer-by-layer structure offers a general strategy for investigation and optimization of their TE performance.

Graphical abstract: Optimization of the thermoelectric performance of layer-by-layer structured copper-phthalocyanine (CuPc) thin films doped with hexacyano-trimethylene-cyclopropane (CN6-CP)

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Article information

Article type
15 Aug 2019
27 Sep 2019
First published
07 Oct 2019
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2019,9, 31840-31845

Optimization of the thermoelectric performance of layer-by-layer structured copper-phthalocyanine (CuPc) thin films doped with hexacyano-trimethylene-cyclopropane (CN6-CP)

W. Xing, J. Chen, Y. Liang, Y. Zou, Y. Sun, W. Xu and D. Zhu, RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 31840 DOI: 10.1039/C9RA06381A

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