Issue 10, 2019

Oxygen reactions on Pt{hkl} in a non-aqueous Na+ electrolyte: site selective stabilisation of a sodium peroxy species


Sodium–oxygen battery cathodes utilise the reversible redox species of oxygen in the presence of sodium ions. However, the oxygen reduction and evolution reaction mechanism is yet to be conclusively determined. In order to examine the part played by surface structure in sodium–oxygen electrochemistry for the development of catalytic materials and structures, a method of preparing clean, well-defined Pt electrode surfaces for adsorption studies in aprotic solvents is described. Using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and in situ electrochemical shell-isolated nanoparticle enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SHINERS), the various stages of oxygen reduction as a function of potential have been determined. It is found that on Pt{111} and Pt{110}-(1 × 1) terraces, a long lived surface sodium peroxide species is formed reversibly, whereas on Pt{100} and polycrystalline electrodes, this species is not detected.

Graphical abstract: Oxygen reactions on Pt{hkl} in a non-aqueous Na+ electrolyte: site selective stabilisation of a sodium peroxy species

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Article type
Edge Article
09 Dec 2018
17 Jan 2019
First published
17 Jan 2019
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY license

Chem. Sci., 2019,10, 2956-2964

Oxygen reactions on Pt{hkl} in a non-aqueous Na+ electrolyte: site selective stabilisation of a sodium peroxy species

T. A. Galloway, J. Dong, J. Li, G. Attard and L. J. Hardwick, Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 2956 DOI: 10.1039/C8SC05489D

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