Issue 25, 2019

Construction and interconversion of anion-coordination-based (‘aniono’) grids and double helicates modulated by counter-cations


Supramolecular assembly of well-defined discrete architectures has been of great interest due to the tunable properties of these structures in functional materials and bio-mimicking. While metal-coordination-driven assembly has been extensively studied, anion-coordination-driven assembly (ACDA) is just emerging for constructing complex supramolecular structures. Herein two A2nL2n (A = anion, L = ligand; n = 1 or 2) ‘aniono’-supramolecular assemblies, i.e. double helicates and the first anion grid, have been constructed based on the coordination between phosphate (PO43−) anion and a bis–tris(urea) ligand. Moreover, the aniono-grid and double helicate motifs can be readily interconverted under ambient conditions by simply changing the counter-cation. These results redefine the power and scope of ACDA, which may represent a new approach in the assembly of well-defined architectures in parallel with the metal coordination-driven assembly of metallo-supramolecules.

Graphical abstract: Construction and interconversion of anion-coordination-based (‘aniono’) grids and double helicates modulated by counter-cations

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
23 Apr 2019
15 May 2019
First published
22 May 2019
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2019,10, 6278-6284

Construction and interconversion of anion-coordination-based (‘aniono’) grids and double helicates modulated by counter-cations

X. Fan, D. Zhang, S. Jiang, H. Wang, L. Lin, B. Zheng, W. Xu, Y. Zhao, B. P. Hay, Y. Chan, X. Yang, X. Li and B. Wu, Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 6278 DOI: 10.1039/C9SC02012H

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