Issue 37, 2019

Interactions between amphiphilic Janus nanosheets and a nonionic polymer in aqueous and biphasic systems


It is of great significance to understand the interactions between nanoparticles and polymers since they guide the development of tremendous applications, for example, in optoelectronic devices, biomedicine, and enhanced oil extraction. However, few studies have probed into this fundamental science as the emerging amphiphilic Janus nanosheets have a more complicated structure than homogeneous nanoparticles, which makes their interactions more complex. In this work, we try to understand the interactions between amphiphilic Janus nanosheets and a model nonionic polymer, hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), under different electrolyte and temperature conditions in both aqueous and biphasic systems by employing molecular dynamics simulations as well as experiments. It is found that the attachment of HEC onto the nanosheet surfaces exhibits ion-concentration-dependent behavior in the aqueous phase, helping to colloidally stabilize the nanosheets even in an environment with an extremely high salt concentration for a long duration. In the oil and water biphasic system, only elevated temperature promotes both Janus nanosheets and HEC to individually remain at the interface.

Graphical abstract: Interactions between amphiphilic Janus nanosheets and a nonionic polymer in aqueous and biphasic systems

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Article information

Article type
16 May 2019
30 Aug 2019
First published
30 Aug 2019

Soft Matter, 2019,15, 7472-7478

Interactions between amphiphilic Janus nanosheets and a nonionic polymer in aqueous and biphasic systems

D. Luo, F. Zhang, F. Ding, B. Ren and Z. Ren, Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 7472 DOI: 10.1039/C9SM00994A

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