Issue 10, 2019

A theoretical approach to address interfacial problems in all-solid-state lithium ion batteries: tuning materials chemistry for electrolyte and buffer coatings based on Li6PA5Cl hali-chalcogenides


Even though ultra-fast Li+ ion conductors based on sulfides such as LGPS and Li6PS5Cl have been developed in recent years, rather limited advancement has been made towards developing all-solid-state lithium ion batteries due to serious interface-related problems. Here in this work, we have carried out extensive fundamental modelling to formulate a system of materials based on hali-chalcogenide Li6PA5Cl argyrodites (A is the site for chalcogen species), so that materials with chemically and structurally compatible characteristics can be used as both a superb electrolyte and excellent buffer coatings over electrode surfaces. All solid-state-batteries (ASSBs) in the form of Li|Li6PO4SCl|Li6PO5Cl|Li0.25MnO2 are thus recommended, so that buffer coatings based on O-rich hali-chalcogenides help avoid interfacial reactions, owing to their high stability with respect to the cathodes and greatly enhanced chemical potential with respect to Li/Li+. Such batteries fundamentally have high mechanical and electrochemical stability, thus enabling high performance and great endurance to operational voltage.

Graphical abstract: A theoretical approach to address interfacial problems in all-solid-state lithium ion batteries: tuning materials chemistry for electrolyte and buffer coatings based on Li6PA5Cl hali-chalcogenides

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Article information

Article type
20 Nov 2018
05 Jan 2019
First published
10 Jan 2019

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019,7, 5239-5247

A theoretical approach to address interfacial problems in all-solid-state lithium ion batteries: tuning materials chemistry for electrolyte and buffer coatings based on Li6PA5Cl hali-chalcogenides

H. Xu, Y. Yu, Z. Wang and G. Shao, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 5239 DOI: 10.1039/C8TA11151K

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