Issue 45, 2019

Pd nanoparticles anchored on amino-functionalized hierarchically porous carbon for efficient dehydrogenation of formic acid under ambient conditions


Applying amino-functionalized hierarchically porous carbon as a support, small and well-dispersed Pd nanoparticles were prepared (2.5 nm). The resulting Pd catalysts integrating amino groups and hierarchical pores into one composite exhibit excellent catalytic activities for additive-free formic acid dehydrogenation at room temperature (3798 per h per surface Pd site).

Graphical abstract: Pd nanoparticles anchored on amino-functionalized hierarchically porous carbon for efficient dehydrogenation of formic acid under ambient conditions

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Article information

Article type
16 Sep 2019
29 Oct 2019
First published
29 Oct 2019

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019,7, 25791-25795

Pd nanoparticles anchored on amino-functionalized hierarchically porous carbon for efficient dehydrogenation of formic acid under ambient conditions

Z. Wang, C. Wang, S. Mao, Y. Gong, Y. Chen and Y. Wang, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 25791 DOI: 10.1039/C9TA10196A

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