Molecularly isolated perylene diimides enable both strong exciton–photon coupling and high photoluminescence quantum yield†
Strong coupling in organic media holds the promise of efficient room temperature polariton lasing with solution-processed materials. Currently, however, only five pure-organic materials have been shown to demonstrate polariton lasing. A major challenge is to achieve high exciton–photon coupling while maintaining high photoluminescence quantum yield. Here, we utilize a series of diimide perylene materials that possess sterically hindered substituents, dispersed within a polymer matrix. The rigid structures prevent aggregation and allow high photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) at large dye loadings. We demonstrate that these systems can exhibit substantial Rabi splittings at dye loadings that yield film PLQYs of up to 85%, making these perylene derivatives promising materials for polariton lasers.