Issue 22, 2020

Taxodisones A and B: bioactive C30-terpenes with new skeletons from Taxodium distichum and their biosynthetic origin


Taxodisones A and B, C30-terpenes with an unprecedented tetracyclo[,709,14]octodecane core, were isolated from the seeds of Taxodium distichum. Their structures, including their configurations, were unambiguously determined. Their biomimetic synthesis suggests that they stem from diterpenes and monoterpenes, and not from squalene or oxidosqualene. In addition, their bioactivities were also evaluated.

Graphical abstract: Taxodisones A and B: bioactive C30-terpenes with new skeletons from Taxodium distichum and their biosynthetic origin

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Article information

Article type
04 Dec 2019
06 Feb 2020
First published
06 Feb 2020

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 3329-3332

Taxodisones A and B: bioactive C30-terpenes with new skeletons from Taxodium distichum and their biosynthetic origin

W. Wang, X. Liu, M. Zhang, B. Lin, D. Zhu, L. Li, C. Chen, C. Han, J. Luo and L. Kong, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 3329 DOI: 10.1039/C9CC09433D

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