Issue 85, 2020

Oxide of lanthanoids can catalyse non-oxidative propane dehydrogenation: mechanistic concept and application potential of Eu2O3- or Gd2O3-based catalysts


This paper demonstrates the potential of Eu2O3 and Gd2O3 as catalysts for non-oxidative propane dehydrogenation to propene. They reveal a higher activity than the state-of-the-art bare ZrO2-based catalysts due to the higher intrinsic activity of Gdcus or Eucus in comparison with that of Zrcus (cus = coordinatively unsaturated).

Graphical abstract: Oxide of lanthanoids can catalyse non-oxidative propane dehydrogenation: mechanistic concept and application potential of Eu2O3- or Gd2O3-based catalysts

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Article information

Article type
12 Aug 2020
17 Sep 2020
First published
17 Sep 2020

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 13021-13024

Oxide of lanthanoids can catalyse non-oxidative propane dehydrogenation: mechanistic concept and application potential of Eu2O3- or Gd2O3-based catalysts

A. Perechodjuk, V. A. Kondratenko, H. Lund, N. Rockstroh and E. V. Kondratenko, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 13021 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC05496H

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