Analysis and visualization of energy densities. I. Insights from real-time time-dependent density functional theory simulations†
In this article, we report a scheme to analyze and visualize the energy density fluctuations during the real-time time-dependent density functional theory (RT-TDDFT) simulations. Using Ag4–N2 complexes as examples, it is shown that the grid-based Kohn–Sham energy density can be computed at each time step using a procedure from Nakai and coworkers. Then the instantaneous energy of each molecular fragment (such as Ag4 and N2) can be obtained by partitioning the Kohn–Sham energy densities using Becke or fragment-based Hirshfeld (FBH) scheme. A strong orientation-dependence is observed for the energy flow between the Ag4 cluster and a nearby N2 molecule in the RT-TDDFT simulations. Future applications of such an energy density analysis in electron dynamics simulations are discussed.