Issue 1, 2020

Synergistic effects of Gd and Co on the phase evolution mechanism and electrochemical performances of Ce2Ni7-type La–Mg–Ni-based alloys


The influences of Gd and Co co-substitution for La and Ni on phase structures, and electrochemical properties of La0.83−xGdxMg0.17Ni3.35−2xCo2xAl0.15 (x = 0–0.83) alloys were investigated. All the alloys contained A2B7-type (Ce2Ni7- and Gd2Co7-type) phase, Pr5Co19-type phase, PuNi3-type phase and CaCu5-type phase. The partial replacement of Gd and Co for La and Ni increased the phase abundance of the Ce2Ni7-type superstructure and decreased cell volumes, which contributed to a better hydrogen absorption capacity, cyclic stability and HRD. Compared to those of single Gd- or Co-substitutions, the synergistic effects of Gd and Co on the overall electrochemical properties of alloys were significant. Such a superior overall electrochemical performance may result from appropriate cell volumes and anti-pulverization abilities.

Graphical abstract: Synergistic effects of Gd and Co on the phase evolution mechanism and electrochemical performances of Ce2Ni7-type La–Mg–Ni-based alloys

Article information

Article type
07 Oct 2019
17 Nov 2019
First published
19 Nov 2019

Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 156-163

Synergistic effects of Gd and Co on the phase evolution mechanism and electrochemical performances of Ce2Ni7-type La–Mg–Ni-based alloys

Z. Gao, Y. Geng, Z. Lin, Y. Wei, Y. Luo and H. Li, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 156 DOI: 10.1039/C9DT03944A

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