Issue 30, 2020

Isostructural mesoporous ionic crystals as a tunable platform for acid catalysis


Eleven isostructural mesoporous ionic crystals (meso–PICs) are synthesized. The initial activities of the Barbier-Grignard reaction, which is a typical C–C bond formation reaction, catalyzed by the meso-PICs are dependent on the acid dissociation constant of the aqua ions of Mn+ and the types of polyoxometalates, which construct the meso-PICs.

Graphical abstract: Isostructural mesoporous ionic crystals as a tunable platform for acid catalysis

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Article information

Article type
01 Apr 2020
04 Jun 2020
First published
05 Jun 2020

Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 10328-10333

Isostructural mesoporous ionic crystals as a tunable platform for acid catalysis

Y. Shimoyama, Z. Weng, N. Ogiwara, T. Kitao, Y. Kikukawa and S. Uchida, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 10328 DOI: 10.1039/D0DT01202E

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