Issue 29, 2020

Redox reactions of halogens for reversible electrochemical energy storage


Along with the great success of traditional lithium-ion batteries, the increasing energy demand has been promoting the rapid development of novel battery systems for even large energy density and high power density, and good safety. Typically, novel types of rechargeable batteries based on redox reactions of halogens have attracted extensive attention because of the potential fundamental chemistry and promising applications. In this frontier, we give an overview of halogen chemistry in rechargeable batteries, and the key ideas for various halogen-based batteries are discussed with particular analysis on the underlying mechanisms. Finally, the existing issues and future perspectives are also addressed for the development of halogen-based battery systems.

Graphical abstract: Redox reactions of halogens for reversible electrochemical energy storage

Article information

Article type
04 May 2020
22 Jun 2020
First published
23 Jun 2020

Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 9929-9934

Redox reactions of halogens for reversible electrochemical energy storage

S. Chen and J. Zhang, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 9929 DOI: 10.1039/D0DT01615B

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