Issue 41, 2020

Synergistic effects of nanocarbon spheres sheathed on a binderless CoMoO4 electrode for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitor


An essential key to enhancing the specific capacity and cyclic stability of transition metal oxide materials is the hybridization of carbon compounds by binder-free methods for supercapacitors. Carbonaceous compounds shorten the electron-ion diffusion pathways due to their high active surface area and conductivity. Herein, we focus on improving the specific energy, stability, and conductivity of the electrode by the incorporation of nanosized carbon material. The integration of nano carbons from viable eco-friendly glucose with CoMoO4 enhanced the experimental specific capacity of the electrode. The self-grown CoMoO4 on a nickel foam (CMO-NF) was confirmed as the best approach after extensive optimization process by the feasible hydrothermal (HT) method. The amount of carbon deposited and the structural morphology on the fabricated CoMoO4-glucose-derived carbon (CMO-GC) electrode was varied by adjusting the concentration of glucose by the viable HT technique. Notably, the hybrid CMO-GC-2 achieved a maximum specific capacity of 851.85 C g−1 at 1 A g−1, and it is relatively higher than that of CMO-NF (301.4 C g−1). The asymmetric supercapacitor device (CMO-GC-2//AC) demonstrated excellent energy density (36.86 W h kg−1 for 152.84 W kg−1), power density (3209.35 W kg−1 for 11.19 W h kg−1), and extensive capacity retention of 87% for up to 5000 cycles. The high performance is related to the synergetic effect of EDLC and the redox reaction, with nano-architecture and well-defined morphology of the electrode material.

Graphical abstract: Synergistic effects of nanocarbon spheres sheathed on a binderless CoMoO4 electrode for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitor

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Article information

Article type
22 Jun 2020
26 Sep 2020
First published
28 Sep 2020

Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 14506-14519

Synergistic effects of nanocarbon spheres sheathed on a binderless CoMoO4 electrode for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitor

R. M. Bhattarai, S. Moopri Singer Pandiyarajan, S. Saud, S. J. Kim and Y. S. Mok, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 14506 DOI: 10.1039/D0DT02204G

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