Issue 37, 2020

Dynamic porous coordination polymers built-up from flexible 4,4′-dithiodibenzoate and rigid N-based ligands


Herein we report the design, synthesis, structural characterisation and functional testing of a series of Cu(II) coordination polymers containing flexible 4,4′-dithiodibenzoate ligand (4,4′-DTBA), with or without auxiliary N-donor ligands. Reaction of Cu(II) with 4,4′-DTBA yielded a 1D coordination polymer (1) based on Cu(II) paddlewheel units connected by 4,4′-DTBA, to form cyclic loop chains with intramolecular voids that exhibit reversible structural transformations upon subsequent solvent exchange in methanol to afford a new, crystalline, permanently-porous structure (1′). However, when the same reaction was run with pyridine, it formed a porous 2D coordination polymer (2). We have attributed the difference in dimensionality seen in the two products to the coordination of pyridine on the axial site of the Cu(II) paddle-wheel, which forces flexible 4,4′-DTBA to adopt a different conformation. Reactions in the presence of 4,4′-bipyridine (4,4′-bpy) afforded two new, flexible, 2D coordination polymers (3 & 4). Lower concentrations of 4,4′-bpy afforded a structure (3) built from 1D chains analogous to those in 1 and connected through 4,4′-bpy linkers coordinated to the axial positions. Interestingly, 3 showed reversible structural transformations triggered by either solvent exchange or thermal treatment, each of which yielded a new crystalline and permanently porous phase (3′). Finally, use of higher concentrations of 4,4′-bpy led to a coordination polymer (4) based on a distorted CuO3N2 trigonal bipyramid, rather than on the Cu(II) paddlewheel. The connection of these motifs by 4,4′-DTBA resulted in a zig-zag 1D chain connected through 4,4′-bpy ligands to form a porous 2D network. Interestingly, 4 also underwent reversible thermal transformation to yield a microporous coordination polymer (4′).

Graphical abstract: Dynamic porous coordination polymers built-up from flexible 4,4′-dithiodibenzoate and rigid N-based ligands

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Article information

Article type
08 Jul 2020
01 Sep 2020
First published
02 Sep 2020

Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 13142-13151

Dynamic porous coordination polymers built-up from flexible 4,4′-dithiodibenzoate and rigid N-based ligands

N. Jarrah, J. Troyano, A. Carné-Sánchez, I. Imaz, S. Tangestaninejad, M. Moghadam and D. Maspoch, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 13142 DOI: 10.1039/D0DT02411B

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