Issue 3, 2020

Simultaneous sensitive detection and rapid adsorption of UO22+ based on a post-modified sp2 carbon-conjugated covalent organic framework


As one of the most important elements in the nuclear industry, uranium has both radioactivity and chemical toxicity, which can harm human beings when released into the natural environment. It is difficult for most uranium adsorbents to maintain good stability under strong radiation and acid conditions. Therefore, it is highly desirable to develop a stable adsorbent for the rapid detection and efficient removal of uranium. Herein, we first constructed an amidoxime-functionalized luminescent sp2 carbon linked covalent organic framework (TP-COF-AO), which is rich in amidoxime groups, has open 1D channels and an extraordinarily stable framework. Based on these advantages, it can reduce UO22+ from 9.25 ppm to below 10 ppb within 10 min and has a high adsorption capacity (436 mg g−1). Meanwhile, the adsorption of UO22+ on TP-COF-AO results in rapid fluorescence quenching (within 2 s) with an ultra-low detection limit (8.3 nM), which is well below the maximum contamination standard in drinking water prescribed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (130 nM). Moreover, it also has excellent recyclability that provides possibility for practical applications. This study indicates that the sp2 carbon-conjugated COF can be used for the simultaneous detection and adsorption of UO22+ with good application prospects in environmental applications.

Graphical abstract: Simultaneous sensitive detection and rapid adsorption of UO22+ based on a post-modified sp2 carbon-conjugated covalent organic framework

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Article information

Article type
27 Oct 2019
31 Jan 2020
First published
04 Feb 2020

Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2020,7, 842-850

Simultaneous sensitive detection and rapid adsorption of UO22+ based on a post-modified sp2 carbon-conjugated covalent organic framework

C. Zhang, W. Cui, W. Jiang, F. Li, Y. Wu, R. Liang and J. Qiu, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2020, 7, 842 DOI: 10.1039/C9EN01225G

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