Issue 9, 2020

Visible-light-promoted oxidative desulphurisation: a strategy for the preparation of unsymmetrical ureas from isothiocyanates and amines using molecular oxygen


A green and efficient visible-light promoted oxidative desulphurisation protocol has been proposed for the construction of unsymmetrical ureas under mild conditions with broad substrate scope and good functional group tolerance. Most appealingly, the reaction can proceed smoothly without adding any strong oxidants. Control experiments and computational studies support a mechanism involving water-assisted in situ generation of thioureas and photocatalytic oxidative desulphurisation. The present method provides a promising synthesis strategy for the formation of diverse and useful unsymmetrical urea derivatives in the fields of pharmaceutical and synthetic chemistry.

Graphical abstract: Visible-light-promoted oxidative desulphurisation: a strategy for the preparation of unsymmetrical ureas from isothiocyanates and amines using molecular oxygen

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Article information

Article type
07 Jan 2020
14 Apr 2020
First published
14 Apr 2020

Green Chem., 2020,22, 2956-2962

Visible-light-promoted oxidative desulphurisation: a strategy for the preparation of unsymmetrical ureas from isothiocyanates and amines using molecular oxygen

Z. Gan, G. Li, Q. Yan, W. Deng, Y. Jiang and D. Yang, Green Chem., 2020, 22, 2956 DOI: 10.1039/D0GC00070A

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