Issue 9, 2020

High-sensitivity microliter blood pressure sensors based on patterned micro-nanostructure arrays


Herein we present a micro-nanostructure integrated liquid pressure sensor, which features an ultra-high sensitivity of 16.71 mbar−1, a low-pressure regime of 2 mbar, a trace sample volume of less than 1.3 μL and a visible display element. The measurable pressure ranges of the sensors include not only from micro-scale fluids to bulk liquids but also from hydraulic pressures to blood pressures, opening a window for liquid pressure sensing in lab-on-chip platforms, point-of-care diagnostics, and even robotics.

Graphical abstract: High-sensitivity microliter blood pressure sensors based on patterned micro-nanostructure arrays

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
20 Jan 2020
17 Apr 2020
First published
17 Apr 2020

Lab Chip, 2020,20, 1554-1561

High-sensitivity microliter blood pressure sensors based on patterned micro-nanostructure arrays

N. Yu, Y. Liu, B. Ji, S. Wang, Y. Chen, T. Sun, J. Zhang and B. Yang, Lab Chip, 2020, 20, 1554 DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00063A

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