Issue 7, 2020

Mn(ii) chelate-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanocrystals as high-efficiency magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents


In this communication, a paramagnetic bifunctional manganese(II) chelate ([Mn(Dopa-EDTA)]2−) containing a catechol group is designed and synthesized. The catechol can bind iron ions on the surface of superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanocrystals to form core–shell nanoparticles. Both 4 and 7 nm SPIO@[Mn(Dopa-EDTA)]2− show good water solubility, single-crystal dispersion, and low cytotoxicity. The study of the interplay between the longitudinal and transverse relaxation revealed that 4 nm SPIO@[Mn(Dopa-EDTA)]2− with lower r2/r1 = 1.75 at 0.5 T tends to be a perfect T1 contrast agent while 7 nm SPIO@[Mn(Dopa-EDTA)]2− with a higher r2/r1 = 15.0 at 3.0 T tends to be a T2 contrast agent. Interestingly, 4 nm SPIO@[Mn(Dopa-EDTA)]2− with an intermediate value of r2/r1 = 5.26 at 3.0 T could act as T1T2 dual-modal contrast agent. In vivo imaging with the 4 nm SPIO@[Mn(Dopa-EDTA)]2− nanoparticle shows unique imaging features: (1) long-acting vascular imaging and different signal intensity changes between the liver parenchyma and blood vessels with the CEMRA sequence; (2) the synergistic contrast enhancement of hepatic imaging with the T1WI and T2WI sequence. In summary, these Fe/Mn hybrid core–shell nanoparticles, with their ease of synthesis, good biocompatibility, and synergistic contrast enhancement ability, may provide a useful method for tissue and vascular MR imaging.

Graphical abstract: Mn(ii) chelate-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanocrystals as high-efficiency magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents

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Article type
12 Feb 2020
15 Jun 2020
First published
17 Jun 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2020,2, 2752-2757

Mn(II) chelate-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanocrystals as high-efficiency magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents

C. Wu, T. Chen, L. Deng, Q. Xia, C. Chen, M. Lan, Y. Pu, H. Tang, Y. Xu, J. Zhu, C. Xu, C. Shen and X. Zhang, Nanoscale Adv., 2020, 2, 2752 DOI: 10.1039/D0NA00117A

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