Issue 8, 2020

2D AuPd alloy nanosheets: one-step synthesis as imaging-guided photonic nano-antibiotics


The complicated synthesis and undesirable biocompatibility of nanomaterials hinder the synergistic photothermal/photodynamic therapy for bacterial infections. Herein, we develop a one-step preparation method of 2D AuPd alloy nanosheets as imaging-guided photonic nano-antibiotics. 2D AuPd alloy nanosheets with an extremely small thickness (∼1.5 nm) exhibit prominent photothermal effects (η = 76.6%), excellent ROS generation, strong photoacoustic signals and desirable biocompatibility. AuPd nanosheets can eliminate 100% of representative Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli) when irradiated using an 808 nm laser at 1 W cm−2 for 5 minutes. After being modified with a bacterial targeting peptide, under the guidance of photoacoustic imaging, AuPd nanosheets achieve promising synergistic photothermal/photodynamic therapeutic efficacy in treating Staphylococcus aureus infected mice. This work expands the biomedical application of 2D noble metal nanomaterials to the field of photonic nano-antibiotics.

Graphical abstract: 2D AuPd alloy nanosheets: one-step synthesis as imaging-guided photonic nano-antibiotics

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Article information

Article type
30 Apr 2020
25 Jun 2020
First published
26 Jun 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2020,2, 3550-3560

2D AuPd alloy nanosheets: one-step synthesis as imaging-guided photonic nano-antibiotics

S. He, G. Zhu, Z. Sun, J. Wang, P. Hui, P. Zhao, W. Chen and X. Jiang, Nanoscale Adv., 2020, 2, 3550 DOI: 10.1039/D0NA00342E

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