Issue 16, 2020

Large-area cavity-enhanced 3D chiral metamaterials based on the angle-dependent deposition technique


Large-area and high-performance chiral metamaterials are highly desired for practical applications, such as controlling the polarization state of an electromagnetic wave and enhancing the sensor sensitivity of chiral molecules. In this work, cavity-enhanced chiral metamaterials (CECMs) with a large area (1 cm2) have been fabricated by the convenient angle-dependent material deposition technique. The optimal chiral signal (g factor) resonance in the visible waveband can reach about 0.94 with a figure of merit (FOM) of about 5.2, which is about ten times larger than that of chiral metamaterials (CMs) without a cavity (i.e., a g factor of 0.094 with the FOM of about 1.12). Both the theoretical and experimental results demonstrate that the circular conversion components from the anisotropic geometry of CMs play a crucial role in the final chiroptical effect of CECM, which together with the cavity effect enhance both the chiroptical resonance intensity and FOM. Choosing the appropriate deposition parameters can effectively modify the geometric anisotropy of CM and thus the chiroptical effect of CECM. The geometric nanoscale morphology, electromagnetic properties and sensor performance were investigated carefully in this work. The fabricated CECM working in the visible waveband together with the cavity-enhanced scheme provides a competitive candidate for enhancing the performance and the practical applications of CMs.

Graphical abstract: Large-area cavity-enhanced 3D chiral metamaterials based on the angle-dependent deposition technique

Article information

Article type
08 Mar 2020
03 Apr 2020
First published
03 Apr 2020

Nanoscale, 2020,12, 9162-9170

Large-area cavity-enhanced 3D chiral metamaterials based on the angle-dependent deposition technique

C. Tang, F. Chen, J. Du and Y. Hou, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 9162 DOI: 10.1039/D0NR01928C

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