Issue 36, 2020

Synthesis of sandwich-like Co15Fe85@C/RGO multicomponent composites with tunable electromagnetic parameters and microwave absorption performance


Magnetic particle/carbon hybrid structures are promising candidates for high performance microwave absorbing materials with light weight and strong absorption. However, it remains a great challenge to balance the permittivity and permeability to realize impedance matching and further improve their absorption bandwidth. Herein, an effective strategy is designed to fabricate sandwich-like Co15Fe85@C/RGO composites. By introducing RGO sheets in the hybrid structures, the electromagnetic parameters, impedance matching and microwave absorption properties of the final materials can be well controlled. The optimized Co15Fe85@C/RGO composite shows an excellent microwave absorption performance, the strongest reflection loss (RL) of the sample is up to −33.38 dB at 10.72 GHz with a matching thickness of 2.5 mm, and the effective bandwidth (RL < −10 dB) can reach 9.2 GHz (8.64–17.84 GHz). With a single thickness, such a wide absorption band is rarely reported. Their excellent performance can be ascribed to the synergetic effect of the chemical composition and unique sandwich-like structures, which will improve impendence matching and strong microwave attenuation constants of the composites. Our results provide a facile strategy for tuning the electromagnetic parameters and microwave absorption properties of magnetic metal/carbon hybrid structures.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis of sandwich-like Co15Fe85@C/RGO multicomponent composites with tunable electromagnetic parameters and microwave absorption performance

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Article information

Article type
18 Jun 2020
12 Aug 2020
First published
12 Aug 2020

Nanoscale, 2020,12, 18790-18799

Synthesis of sandwich-like Co15Fe85@C/RGO multicomponent composites with tunable electromagnetic parameters and microwave absorption performance

S. Bao, W. Tang, Z. Song, Q. Jiang, Z. Jiang and Z. Xie, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 18790 DOI: 10.1039/D0NR04615A

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