Issue 27, 2020

Arylseleninic acid as a green, bench-stable selenylating agent: synthesis of selanylanilines and 3-selanylindoles


Arylseleninic acids were used as an electrophilic selenium source in aromatic substitution reactions, using N,N-substituted anilines and indoles as nucleophiles at 70 °C for 6–15 h. A total of fourteen 4-selanylanilines and five 3-selanylindoles were selectively obtained in good to excellent yields. The starting benzeneseleninic acids are easily prepared from the respective diselenides, are bench stable and easy to handle, affording water as the only waste at the end of the reaction.

Graphical abstract: Arylseleninic acid as a green, bench-stable selenylating agent: synthesis of selanylanilines and 3-selanylindoles

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Article information

Article type
24 May 2020
17 Jun 2020
First published
17 Jun 2020

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2020,18, 5210-5217

Arylseleninic acid as a green, bench-stable selenylating agent: synthesis of selanylanilines and 3-selanylindoles

L. Abenante, N. B. Padilha, J. M. Anghinoni, F. Penteado, O. Rosati, C. Santi, M. S. Silva and E. J. Lenardão, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2020, 18, 5210 DOI: 10.1039/D0OB01073A

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