Issue 34, 2020

Alkyl lithium-catalyzed benzylic C–H bond addition of alkyl pyridines to α-alkenes


Brønsted base catalyzed C–C bond formation reactions have been extensively utilized as reliable, efficient, and atom economical methods in organic synthesis. However, the electrophiles were mostly limited to polar ones such as imines, carbonyl compounds, α,β-unsaturated compounds, styrenes and conjugated dienes. The use of α-alkenes as electrophiles in the C–C bond formation reactions always needs transition metal catalysts. Herein, we reported an alkyl lithium-catalyzed benzylic C–H bond addition of alkyl pyridines to α-alkenes. The alkyl lithium catalyst displayed quite different selectivity from those of transition metal catalysts.

Graphical abstract: Alkyl lithium-catalyzed benzylic C–H bond addition of alkyl pyridines to α-alkenes

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Article information

Article type
21 Jul 2020
14 Aug 2020
First published
17 Aug 2020

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2020,18, 6622-6626

Alkyl lithium-catalyzed benzylic C–H bond addition of alkyl pyridines to α-alkenes

Y. Luo, Y. Liu and B. Guan, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2020, 18, 6622 DOI: 10.1039/D0OB01499K

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