Issue 23, 2020

Highly conductive mechanically robust high Mw polyfluorene anion exchange membrane for alkaline fuel cell and water electrolysis application


New, high molecular weight poly-(fluorene-alt-tetrafluorophenylene) anion exchange membranes were synthesized by a Pd-catalyzed C–H activation method. The synthesized membranes exhibited high OH conductivity over 100 mS cm−1, and membrane swelling could be suppressed by controlling the side chain length of the polymers. The membranes were flexible with high tensile strengh (25–42 MPa), which is comparable to Nafion 211 and likely because of their high molecular weight (Mw = 170–240 kDa). Conductivity and mechanical flexibility of the membranes did not vary significantly in 8 M NaOH at 80 °C for 168 h. These membranes hold promise for both membrane and solid ionomer materials that can be used in alkaline fuel cells or alkaline water electrolysis devices.

Graphical abstract: Highly conductive mechanically robust high Mw polyfluorene anion exchange membrane for alkaline fuel cell and water electrolysis application

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
01 Mar 2020
01 May 2020
First published
09 May 2020

Polym. Chem., 2020,11, 3812-3820

Author version available

Highly conductive mechanically robust high Mw polyfluorene anion exchange membrane for alkaline fuel cell and water electrolysis application

S. Miyanishi and T. Yamaguchi, Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 3812 DOI: 10.1039/D0PY00334D

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