Issue 24, 2020

Roles of hydrothermal-alkaline treatment in tannery sludge reduction: rheological properties and sludge reduction mechanism analysis


The hydrothermal-alkaline treatment (HAT) is an efficient sludge reduction method. However, the roles of HAT in tannery sludge reduction are not very clear. In this study, the sludge reduction mechanism of HAT was explored. The results showed that HAT had good performance for the organic dissolution of tannery sludge. The reduction of the sludge mass was calculated by the mass of the separated wet sludge solid (4000 rpm, 10 min) before and after HAT. The HAT parameters for sludge reduction (SR) were optimized by the Box–Behnken, and the sludge reduction was 62.5% under optimal conditions (198 °C, 87 min and 8.7 g L−1 NaOH). The soluble organics, especially a polysaccharide (PS) and ammonia nitrogen (NH3–N), showed a close correspondence with the SR ratio. The rheological properties of the sludge indicated that the reticular structures in the sludge were destroyed after HAT. The tannery sludge solid became more pyknotic than raw sludge after the hydrothermal-alkaline treatment. The tannery sludge reduction can be attributed to the damage of reticular structures, organic dissolution and release of bound water.

Graphical abstract: Roles of hydrothermal-alkaline treatment in tannery sludge reduction: rheological properties and sludge reduction mechanism analysis

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Article information

Article type
30 Dec 2019
10 Mar 2020
First published
07 Apr 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2020,10, 14291-14298

Roles of hydrothermal-alkaline treatment in tannery sludge reduction: rheological properties and sludge reduction mechanism analysis

S. Zhai, Y. Xiong, M. Li, D. Wang and S. Fu, RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 14291 DOI: 10.1039/C9RA11010K

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