Issue 12, 2020

Monte Carlo simulations using PELE to identify a protein–protein inhibitor binding site and pose


In silico binding site location and pose prediction for a molecule targeted at a large protein surface is a challenging task. We report a blind test with two peptidomimetic molecules that bind the flu virus hemagglutinin (HA) surface antigen, JNJ7918 and JNJ4796 (recently disclosed in van Dongen et al., Science, 2019, 363). Tests with a series of conventional approaches such as rigid (receptor) docking against available X-ray crystal structures or against an ensemble of structures generated by quick methodologies (NMA, homology modeling) gave mixed results, due to the shallowness and flexibility of the binding site and the sheer size of the target. However, tests with our Monte Carlo platform PELE in two protocols involving either exploration of the whole protein surface (global exploration), or the latter followed by refinement of best solutions (local exploration) yielded remarkably good results by locating the actual binding site and generating binding modes that recovered all native contacts found in the X-ray structures. Thus, the Monte Carlo scheme of PELE seems promising as a quick methodology to overcome the challenge of identifying entirely unknown binding sites and modes for protein–protein disruptors.

Graphical abstract: Monte Carlo simulations using PELE to identify a protein–protein inhibitor binding site and pose

Article information

Article type
16 Dec 2019
06 Feb 2020
First published
17 Feb 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

RSC Adv., 2020,10, 7058-7064

Monte Carlo simulations using PELE to identify a protein–protein inhibitor binding site and pose

L. Díaz, D. Soler, G. Tresadern, C. Buyck, L. Perez-Benito, S. Saen-Oon, V. Guallar and R. Soliva, RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 7058 DOI: 10.1039/D0RA01127D

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