Issue 53, 2020, Issue in Progress

Nano-Fe3O4@walnut shell/Cu(ii) as a highly effective environmentally friendly catalyst for the one-pot pseudo three-component synthesis of 1,3-oxazine derivatives under solvent-free conditions


Fe3O4@walnut shell/Cu(II) as an eco-friendly bio-based magnetic nano-catalyst was prepared by adding CuCl2 to Fe3O4@walnut shell in alkaline medium. A series of 2-aryl/alkyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-naphtho[1,2-e][1,3]oxazines were synthesized by the one-pot pseudo three-component reaction of β-naphthol, formaldehyde and various amines using nano-Fe3O4@walnut shell/Cu(II) at 60 °C under solvent-free conditions. The catalyst was removed from the reaction mixture by an external magnet and was reusable several times without any considerable loss of its activity. This protocol has several advantages such as excellent yields, short reaction times, clean and convenient procedure, easy work-up and use of an eco-friendly catalyst.

Graphical abstract: Nano-Fe3O4@walnut shell/Cu(ii) as a highly effective environmentally friendly catalyst for the one-pot pseudo three-component synthesis of 1,3-oxazine derivatives under solvent-free conditions

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Article type
13 May 2020
08 Aug 2020
First published
28 Aug 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2020,10, 31874-31880

Nano-Fe3O4@walnut shell/Cu(II) as a highly effective environmentally friendly catalyst for the one-pot pseudo three-component synthesis of 1,3-oxazine derivatives under solvent-free conditions

A. D. Tafti and B. B. Fatemeh Mirjalili, RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 31874 DOI: 10.1039/D0RA04282J

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