Issue 55, 2020, Issue in Progress

Ab initio kinetics predictions for the role of pre-reaction complexes in hydrogen abstraction from 2-butanone by OH radicals


The existence of pre- and post-reaction complexes has been proposed to influence hydrogen abstraction reaction kinetics, but the significance still remains controversial. A theoretical study is presented to discuss the effects of complexes on hydrogen abstraction from 2-butanone by OH radicals based on the detailed PESs at the DLPNO-CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ//M06-2x-D3/may-cc-pVTZ level with five pre-reaction complexes at the entrance of the channels and four post-reaction complexes at the exit. The hydrogen bond interactions, steric effects, and contributions to the bonding orbital of the OH radical species and 2-butanone species in the complex structures were visualized and investigated by wavefunction analyses. Three kinds of mechanisms—the general bimolecular reaction, the reaction with the complexes considered, and the well-skipping reaction—were compared based on high-pressure-limit rate constants, predicted branching ratios, and fractional populations of reactants and products in the temperature range of 250–2000 K. The existence of complexes was proved to be crucial in the kinetics and mechanisms of the hydrogen abstraction from 2-butanone molecules by OH radicals.

Graphical abstract: Ab initio kinetics predictions for the role of pre-reaction complexes in hydrogen abstraction from 2-butanone by OH radicals

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Article type
17 Jun 2020
01 Sep 2020
First published
08 Sep 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

RSC Adv., 2020,10, 33205-33212

Ab initio kinetics predictions for the role of pre-reaction complexes in hydrogen abstraction from 2-butanone by OH radicals

Y. Gao, Y. Zhao, Q. Guan and F. Wang, RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 33205 DOI: 10.1039/D0RA05332E

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