Issue 12, 2020

Optimized ultrafast flow synthesis of CON-type zeolite and improvement of its catalytic properties


The synthesis time for CON-type aluminoborosilicate zeolite ([Al, B]-CON), a promising catalyst for methanol-to-olefin reactions, was reduced from 20 h to 45 min, the fastest reported so far for this zeolite. In addition to overcoming thermal lag by the use of tubular reactors at high temperatures, optimizing the reactant composition, choosing proper seed crystals, their quantity, size, and timing of addition were also instrumental in the fast-paced synthesis of [Al, B]-CON. It was found that obtaining a pure CON phase at a faster rate depends not only on the synthesis temperature, but also on the ageing temperature, amount of seed, and their partial dissolution. The fast synthesis of [Al, B]-CON could be an option for mass production using a demonstrated continuous flow synthesis system. The catalytic activity and stability of the fast-synthesized [Al, B]-CON was improved by the introduction of mesopores via alkaline treatment with amphiphilic molecules.

Graphical abstract: Optimized ultrafast flow synthesis of CON-type zeolite and improvement of its catalytic properties

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Article information

Article type
30 Jul 2020
02 Oct 2020
First published
03 Oct 2020

React. Chem. Eng., 2020,5, 2260-2266

Optimized ultrafast flow synthesis of CON-type zeolite and improvement of its catalytic properties

A. Chokkalingam, K. Iyoki, N. Hoshikawa, H. Onozuka, W. Chaikittisilp, S. Tsutsuminai, T. Takewaki, T. Wakihara and T. Okubo, React. Chem. Eng., 2020, 5, 2260 DOI: 10.1039/D0RE00309C

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