Issue 30, 2020

Designing a highly stable coordination-driven metallacycle for imaging-guided photodynamic cancer theranostics


Coordination-driven self-assembly features good predictability and directionality in the construction of discrete metallacycles and metallacages with well-defined sizes and shapes, but their medicinal application has been limited by their low stability and solubility. Herein, we have designed and synthesized a highly stable coordination-driven metallacycle with desired functionality derived from a perylene-diimide ligand via a spontaneous deprotonation self-assembly process. Brilliant chemical stability and singlet oxygen production ability of this emissive octanuclear organopalladium macrocycle make it a good candidate toward biological studies. After cellular uptake by endocytosis, the metallacycle exhibits potent fluorescence cell imaging properties and cancer photodynamic therapeutic ability through enhancing ROS production, with high biocompatibility and safety. This study not only provides a rational design strategy for highly stable luminescent organopalladium metallacycles, but also sheds light on their application in imaging-guided photodynamic cancer therapy.

Graphical abstract: Designing a highly stable coordination-driven metallacycle for imaging-guided photodynamic cancer theranostics

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
20 Apr 2020
30 Jun 2020
First published
30 Jun 2020
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2020,11, 7940-7949

Designing a highly stable coordination-driven metallacycle for imaging-guided photodynamic cancer theranostics

L. He, L. Cai, M. Li, G. Zhang, L. Zhou, T. Chen, M. Lin and Q. Sun, Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 7940 DOI: 10.1039/D0SC02236E

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