Issue 31, 2020

Dual-targeted photothermal agents for enhanced cancer therapy


Photothermal therapy, in which light is converted into heat and triggers local hyperthermia to ablate tumors, presents an inherently specific and noninvasive treatment for tumor tissues. In this area, the development of efficient photothermal agents (PTAs) has always been a central topic. Although many efforts have been made on the investigation of novel molecular architectures and photothermal materials over the past decades, PTAs can cause severe damage to normal tissues because of the poor tumor aggregate ability and high irradiation density. Recently, dual-targeted photothermal agents (DTPTAs) provide an attractive strategy to overcome these problems and enhance cancer therapy. DTPTAs are functionalized with two classes of targeting units, including tumor environment targeting sites, tumor targeting sites and organelle targeting sites. In this perspective, typical targeted ligands and representative examples of photothermal therapeutic agents with dual-targeted properties are systematically summarized and recent advances using DTPTAs in tumor therapy are highlighted.

Graphical abstract: Dual-targeted photothermal agents for enhanced cancer therapy

Article information

Article type
08 Jun 2020
15 Jul 2020
First published
17 Jul 2020
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY license

Chem. Sci., 2020,11, 8055-8072

Dual-targeted photothermal agents for enhanced cancer therapy

K. Wang, Y. Xiang, W. Pan, H. Wang, N. Li and B. Tang, Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 8055 DOI: 10.1039/D0SC03173A

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