Issue 38, 2020

Oxidation triggers guest dissociation during reorganization of an Fe II4L6 twisted parallelogram


A three-dimensional FeII4L6 parallelogram was prepared from ferrocene-containing ditopic ligands. The steric preference of the bulky ferrocene cores towards meridional vertex coordination brought about this new structure type, in which the ferrocene units adopt three distinct conformations. The structure possesses two distinct, bowl-like cavities that host anionic guests. Oxidation of the ferrocene FeII to ferrocenium FeIII causes rotation of the ferrocene hinges, converting the structure to an FeII1L1+ species with release of anionic guests, even though the average charge per iron increases in a way that would ordinarily increase guest binding strength. The degrees of freedom exhibited by these new structures – derived from the different configurations of the three ligands surrounding a meridional FeII center and the rotation of ferrocene cores – thus underpin their ability to reconfigure and eject guests upon oxidation.

Graphical abstract: Oxidation triggers guest dissociation during reorganization of an FeII4L6 twisted parallelogram

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
08 Aug 2020
09 Sep 2020
First published
09 Sep 2020
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2020,11, 10399-10404

Oxidation triggers guest dissociation during reorganization of an FeII4L6 twisted parallelogram

A. J. Plajer, F. J. Rizzuto, L. K. S. von Krbek, Y. Gisbert, V. Martínez-Agramunt and J. R. Nitschke, Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 10399 DOI: 10.1039/D0SC04352D

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