Issue 40, 2020

Proton transport in crystalline, porous covalent organic frameworks: a NMR study


Herein, we demonstrate proton transport in two crystalline covalent organic frameworks with different surface chemistries – a hydrocarbon and a carbon surface, mainly using NMR techniques. While proton diffusion of the immobilized H2O layer in direct contact with the hydrocarbon surfaces is slower, the diffusion of H2O molecules which are not directly in contact with the surfaces is enhanced, resulting in a diffusion coefficient significantly higher than that of the bulk water. This study also highlights the importance of the persistence length of the crystalline mesopores in COFs, which must be sufficiently long, and percolate at a macroscopic level in order to promote long range proton transport.

Graphical abstract: Proton transport in crystalline, porous covalent organic frameworks: a NMR study

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Article information

Article type
16 Jul 2020
16 Sep 2020
First published
16 Sep 2020

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020,8, 20939-20945

Proton transport in crystalline, porous covalent organic frameworks: a NMR study

H. Zhu, T. Xu, L. Chen and M. Forsyth, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, 8, 20939 DOI: 10.1039/D0TA06927B

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