Issue 27, 2020

Electrical properties and spintronic application of carbon phosphide nanoribbons with edge functionalization


Edge-functionalization is an important method for the band engineering of nanoribbons (NRs). Implementing the first principle calculations, we investigate the electronic band structure of zigzag-edge α-carbon phosphide NRs with different edge functionalization. It was found that the NRs are semiconductors with their double edges passivated by H, OH, F or Cl. However, the NR exhibits metallic behavior when the two edges bind to oxygen. Furthermore, as one of the edges is oxidized, regardless of the other edge with H, OH, F, or Cl passivation, the NRs can show unique metallic properties. The H, F and Cl passivation can break the spin degeneracy in the ferromagnetic state and a fully polarized phenomenon can be observed in specific energy ranges. In addition, in combination with the nonequilibrium Green's function, we study the transport properties of the designed devices. We found that the device with an edge passivated by O and H exhibits a low-bias negative differential resistance effect with an ultrahigh peak-to-valley ratio, which demonstrates their potential application in sensitive devices. In particular, the perfect Seebeck effect has also been observed when the temperature could be taken as the source and drain leads. Our results indicate that edge-functionalization greatly expands the application of α-carbon phosphide NRs.

Graphical abstract: Electrical properties and spintronic application of carbon phosphide nanoribbons with edge functionalization

Article information

Article type
08 Apr 2020
23 May 2020
First published
13 Jun 2020

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020,8, 9313-9321

Electrical properties and spintronic application of carbon phosphide nanoribbons with edge functionalization

L. Cao, X. Li, Y. Li and G. Zhou, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 9313 DOI: 10.1039/D0TC01764G

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