Lithium-7 qNMR as a method to quantify lithium content in brines using benchtop NMR†
A novel 7Li quantitative NMR (qNMR) method to analyze lithium was developed to determine the lithium content in real brine samples using benchtop NMR instruments. The method was validated, and limits of detection and quantification of 40 and 100 ppm, respectively, were determined. Linearity, precision, and bias were also experimentally determined, and the results are presented herein. The results were compared to those obtained using atomic absorption (AA) spectroscopy, currently one of the few validated methods for the quantification of lithium. The method provides both accurate and precise results, as well as excellent correlation with AA. The absence of matrix effects, combined with no need for sample preparation or deuterated solvents, shows potential applicability in the mining industry.