Issue 8, 2021

An ultrasensitive ratiometric fluorescent probe for the detection of Hg2+ and its application in cell and zebrafish


Mercury is a highly toxic metal element, and the accumulation of mercury in the human body can cause great harm, including but not limited to brain damage, kidney damage and behavioral disorders. Therefore, an effective way to detect mercury ions in the environment is urgently needed. In this study, a novel fluorescent probe (CP-Hg) was synthesized with coumarin as the fluorophore and propanethiol as the recognition receptor. The probe was characterized with high sensitivity (detection limit is approximately 0.5 nM) and selectivity. Note that the probe can react with mercury ions with a distinct color change. In addition, it has been proved to have low toxicity and successfully applied to detect mercury in water samples, macrophages and zebrafish model.

Graphical abstract: An ultrasensitive ratiometric fluorescent probe for the detection of Hg2+ and its application in cell and zebrafish

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
11 Jan 2021
25 Jan 2021
First published
26 Jan 2021

Anal. Methods, 2021,13, 1043-1048

An ultrasensitive ratiometric fluorescent probe for the detection of Hg2+ and its application in cell and zebrafish

W. Sheng, Y. Yu, N. Gao, M. Jin, L. Wang, N. Li, C. Li, H. Zhang, Y. Zhang and K. Liu, Anal. Methods, 2021, 13, 1043 DOI: 10.1039/D1AY00063B

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