Issue 39, 2021

Application of serum mid-infrared spectroscopy combined with an ensemble learning method in rapid diagnosis of gliomas


The diffuse growth of glioma cells leads to gliomatosis, which has less cure rate and high mortality. As the severity deepens, the treatment difficulty and mortality of glioma patients gradually increase. Therefore, a rapid and non-invasive diagnostic technique is very important for glioma patients. The target of this study is to classify contract subjects and glioma patients by serum mid-infrared spectroscopy combined with an ensemble learning method. The spectra were normalized and smoothed, and principal component analysis (PCA) was utilized for dimensionality reduction. Particle swarm optimization-support vector machine (PSO-SVM), decision tree (DT), logistic regression (LR) as well as random forest (RF) were used as base classifiers, and AdaBoost integrated learning was introduced. AdaBoost-SVM, AdaBoost-LR, AdaBoost-RF and AdaBoost-DT models were established to discriminate glioma patients. The single classification accuracy of the four models for the test set was 87.14%, 90.00%, 92.00% and 90.86%, respectively. For the purpose of further improving the prediction accuracy, the four models were fused at decision level, and the final classification accuracy of the test set reached 94.29%. Experiments show that serum infrared spectroscopy combined with the ensemble learning method algorithm shows wonderful potential in non-invasive, fast and precise identification of glioma patients, and can also be used for reference in intelligent diagnosis of other diseases.

Graphical abstract: Application of serum mid-infrared spectroscopy combined with an ensemble learning method in rapid diagnosis of gliomas

Article information

Article type
13 May 2021
19 Aug 2021
First published
26 Aug 2021

Anal. Methods, 2021,13, 4642-4651

Application of serum mid-infrared spectroscopy combined with an ensemble learning method in rapid diagnosis of gliomas

H. Qu, W. Wu, C. Chen, Z. Yan, W. Guo, C. Meng, X. Lv, F. Chen and C. Chen, Anal. Methods, 2021, 13, 4642 DOI: 10.1039/D1AY00802A

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